18 February 2012

Update on “Spread The Love of Prophet Muhammad”

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, last 5th February on Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday, we are celebrating it by giving roses, chocolates and books to our not yet Muslims so that they know there’s a messenger sent to them. About 100 roses,chocolates and books distributed to not yet Muslim round Georgetown near Masjid Kapitan Keling. Alhamdulillah, this program finish earlier than we thought. We start distributing around 10 am and finished about 11.30 am.

4 Feb 2012 : 8.40 pm

6 of us gathered at Rumah Khatijah (Rumah Transit IPSI) preparing for tomorrow’s program. I’ve been doing this for the past two years. And this year is the third year IPSI organized such program and we expanded this program to another places as well. Alhamdulillah…May Allah grant His blessing to those who helps His Religion. Ameen…


Fresh flowers from the shop..


Wrapping chocolates…

5 Feb 2012 :8.00 am

All the participants gather at anjung Masjid USM for breakfast and briefing. About 20 participants joined this program. Alhamdulillah..At first we decided to distribute about 200 flowers. But last meeting with IPSI committee members, only 3 persons confirmed their participation in this program. So, I thought I won’t have enough man power to work out this program. So, we decided to distribute only 100 and divide into two session. Half in the morning which distributed around Georgetown (nearMasjid Kapitan Keling) and another half will be distributed at Botanical Garden in the evening.



This is the flower,chocolate and book about prophet Muhammad.

There’s a meaning behind it. Suppose we use red roses which is mean love, and chocolate is sweetness of the love and the books is a knowledge and a prove that we love them and prophet Muhammad loves them.


Distributing the flowers


Waiting for other participants


Me giving the briefing to all participants.

5 Feb 2012 : 10.00 am


Masjid Kapitan Keling..Time for actionSmile

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5 Feb 2012 : 11.30 am

Finished distributing the flowers. So, while waiting for others participants at Masjid Kapitan Keling, I just show them how to conduct dakwah through masjid tour to participants who already finished distributing the flowers. Insyaallah I will share about this tour later.


5 Feb 2012 :2.30 pm

After lunch and zohor prayer, we gather back for the last agenda which is postmortem. We start with sharing all the experience during distribution of the flowers. After that, for postmortem, we make conclusion that:

1. Most of local citizen rejected when we want to give them flowers and books while the tourist is more open accept it with a big heart.

2. For next program we should provide literature in other language (eg: tamil, mandarin) because not all local citizen understands english language.

3. Provide literature with no arabic text on it because most local citizen afraid to accept that book because of “Muhammad” is written in arabic alphabet.

4. Provide continuity or follow up by creating a website of fb page which we can still contact them and also organize a public talk or program about prophet Muhammad so that they can know better about him.

Alhamdulillah, we finish everything around 3.30 pm. May Allah open hearts of the flower’s receiver. May Allah guide them.


Most of us already go back because they have another work to do.






Let’s join us next year Insyaallah…Red rose

With Love,Red heart



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