In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
Assalamualaikum, All praise is due to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe. May His peace and blessings be upon our beloved prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), his household, companions and all followers of the right guidance till the Day of Judgment.
I received a lot of email and PM about RLKA and Medical Physics course at USM. It takes time to reply one by one and mostly repeated questions. Hope this entry will help those who interested in Medical Physics field so you will get at least some description what you will learn.
Course descriptions
Basically in Medical Physics, you will learn about instrument used in diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. You will also learn anatomy and physiology, radiation protection and safety and health issue on radiation. Subject which you will learn also depends on which faculty your course is based on. Like USM, it was offered under School of Physics. Thus, you will also study physics courses like quantum mechanic, basic physics, electronic, optic and solid state plus, some mathematics like calculus. At UKM it was offered under Faculty of Health/Medical I dont remember. So there will be a different on what you will learn for this course.
Ini subject which I learn during my undergraduate studies. Masa tu masih 3 years course. Sekarang dah jadi 4 tahun dan saya tak pasti how much changes in the subject it will be. Will update later once I got the information. Subject teras adalah subject yang wajib ambil while elektif boleh pilih any subject yang you all interested to learn. Kat bawah ni, sebahagian subject yang akan belajar under course Pengimejan Diagnostic & Radioterapi di UKM. I can’t explain in details coz I’m not a student there but from this subject at least you can have a view how the courses gonna look like.
Susah ke belajar medical physics?
Ermm… Pada pendapat saya setiap course ada tahap kesusahannya sendiri. Untuk medical physics, part yang susah lebih kepada belajar basic dan some advance physics tu. Memang agak tough dan menguji. Bila dah masuk pengkhususan, lebih mudah asalkan memang rajin study. Saya sendiri pun bukanlah pelajar cemerlang tapi alhamdulillah berjaya habiskan semua subject tanpa repeat any subject. Nasihat saya, belajar secara berterusan dan bukan hanya di hujung semester atau study week, insyaallah boleh score subject yang di ambil. Dan analisa setiap subject dan cari strategi untuk cope dengan setiap subject.
Kalau undergraduate ambil physics course walaupun bukan medical physics, insyaallah masih boleh sambung master dalam bidang medical physics. Tapi kalau undergraduate dari course lain dan master nak ambil medical physics, tak pasti boleh ke tak. Kalau ikut syarat IPS USM ni, macam tak boleh.
Master of Science (Medical Physics)
The programme aims to provide knowledge and skills as a senior medical physicist. The course is designed to produce graduates in medical physics with a strong capacity to work effectively in operating and maintaining medical equipments. Successful graduates are expected to have a career as medical physicist in hospital, academic institutions or research institutes.
Course Structure
The programme comprises 40 units of the following five core courses, two elective courses, two practical courses and one compulsory research project.
Semester I
Human Anatomy and Physiology (core - 4 units)
Radiation Physics (core - 4 units)
Dosimetry and Radiation Protection (core - 4units)
Physics of Diagnostic Radiology (core - 4 units)
Medical Physics Practical (core - 4 units)
Semester II
Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy Physics (core - 4 units)
Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (elective - 2 units)
Radiobiology and Radiation Chemistry (elective - 2 units)
Medical Physics Practical II (core - 4 units)
Research Project (compulsory - 8 units)
Admission Requirements
Applicants should possess the following:
- BSc (Hons) in Physics minimum CGPA of 3.00/4 or equivalent.
- BSc in Physics or equivalent with several years of experience in a relevant field.
Full-time: Min 2 semesters / Max 4 semesters
Peluang kerjaya
Ini pun antara soalan yang kerap di tanya juga. Ambil medical physics ni mudah dapat kerja ke? Peluang kerjaya banyak ke? Pertama, perlu faham yang rezeki itu dari Allah. Insyaallah kita berusaha sebaiknya dan seterusnya serahkan pada Allah. Kalau di USM, memandangkan degree ada ambil basic physics, jadi in term of career path, boleh pergi both side, physics or healthcare. Mostly, kerja di hospital either government or private, lecturer in physics or health science and company yang provide medical equipment or did R&D. Dari pengalaman saya sendiri, nak dapatkan kerja medical physics, takdalah begitu mudah dan tak nampak banyak peluang sangat. Kebanyakan kawan-kawan saya sendiri pun ambil masa banyak tahun sebelum dapat kerja di hospital tambah-tambah government. But still, if you perform best in academics and clinically, insyaallah ada rezeki dari Allah untuk kerja dalam bidang ni. Setiap course pun, ada cabarannya juga dalam bidang kerjaya kan. Jadi, pilihlah course yang terbaik buat diri sendiri.
Boleh ke link ini, untuk dapat lebih overview pasal career guide in medical physics.
Semoga dapat membantu yang memerlukan. Sekiranya memerlukan lebih details, boleh email ke
With Love,
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