02 February 2010


In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Pagi tadi check email ada email dari Bro Siraj tentang website yang mungkin dapat membantu kita menyediakan hujah bagi soalan-soalan dan kritikan dari bukan Islam. Sekarang ni umat Islam di serang dari segenap segi. Bersedialah.
Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,
As you may well know, there are numerous anti-Islam websites which are designed to portray Islam in a very bad light. The enemies of Islam take perverse delight in condemning the person of Muhammad (pbuh), vilifying the Qur’an and gravely distorting Muslim history. Often Muslims are at loss when it comes to responding to those monstrous allegations, due to lack of knowledge and exposure to the discipline of comparative religion. Here is a list of websites that might come in handy when responding to such wild allegations:
Share it with your fellow Muslims.



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