27 July 2012


In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum Everyone.. May Allah Guide us all through His path… May Allah Bless and accept all ibadah we made in this month of Ramadhan.. Ameen..

Today’s entry is about Hijab. A reminder to all sisters and not to forget brothers as well. I got this from PureMatrimony and OSM. I found it interesting and full a lot of knock-head. So I’m thinking of sharing this with all of you. Hope you can benefited from this.


For all my sisters struggling with the decision to wear hijab - use this month of Ramadan coming up to strengthen your resolve to commit to this act of worship. Wear the hijab as much as you, in as many places as you can. Indeed, I find no other time greater than the one we live in now for the protection hijab/khimar/jilbab/loose clothing can provide. While no fabric alone can transform a person, a piece of fabric alone can be a major part of transformation for anyone. (Megan Wyatt)





A guide to proper Hijab for ladies by OSM!


Hijab, an awesome pride for ladies!
Hijab in Islam, is basically a “dress code” for Muslim women in public. Many perceive hijab as “traditional” and a form of oppression; but truth is, hijab protects and safeguards women from harassment! The wisdom behind hijab is to minimize sexual enticement and most importantly, it is a form of obedience to our Lord, Allah. Take hijab as your pride, and Insyallah, you will become a better Muslimah.



The most basic form of hijab is to cover the whole body, except the hands up to the wrist. Take note that hijab is not only about covering your head with a headscarf, but it’s about covering your body too! A hijab isn’t complete until both requirements (head and body) are covered.

Related verse from the Quran:
”… that they (the believing women) should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers…” [ An-Noor 24:31 ]



A proper hijab requires one to wear loose clothes in order to avoid “showing” those beautiful curves! The Prophet (pbuh) has warned us that women who are dressed yet naked (ie: tight-fitting clothes) will receive harsh punishment in Hell (nauzubillah).

Related hadith:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “There are two types of people in Hell-fire whom I did not see: People who have with them whips that are like the tails of cow; they strike people with them. And women WHO ARE DRESSED YET NAKED, who are Mumilat (ie: who shake their shoulders when they walk, who draw the attention of those who are looking at them) and Ma’ilat, (ie: they walk in a slanting manner, strutting with a kid on fluidity of motion, so as to attract others)… they will NOT enter Paradise, nor will they smell its fragrance whereas its fragrance would be smelt from such and such distance” [ Sahih Muslim, Book 24, Chapter 26 #5310 ]



Think that headscarf or long skirt of yours is solid enough? Look again, it might be transparent and people are able to see the shape of your hair bun or legs! Whatever material or fabric you put on yourself; make sure they are not transparent!



Ladies, keep your attire or outfit simple and modest! There’s no need to be flashy in order to attract the attention of others! Most importantly, it should be free of anything that may lead to arrogance, self-conceited, pride and riya’. As ladies, we are to display Allah’s blessings upon us in our clothing, but do it without going to the extreme of wastage or extravagance.

Related hadith:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “He who trailed his garment out of pride, Allah would not look towards him on the Day of Resurrection” [ Sahih Muslim, Book 24, Chapter 8 #5195 ]



“Are you a girl… or a boy?” Is the type of question other people shouldn’t be asking when it comes to an individual, and we should avoid it at all costs! Dressing up/ looking as the opposite gender is dangerous to self, as it challenges the pride and it brings confusion to others. So ladies, be proud of your girly self! :)

Related hadith:
”The Prophet (pbuh) cursed the man who dresses like a woman and the woman who dresses like a man” [ Abu Dawood, 4/86 ]


Why bother dressing up the others (ie: the unbelievers) when you, as a Muslimah, have your own identity to be proud of? By imitating them outwardly, it might lead to imitating them inwardly (beliefs, characteristics). Muslim ladies too, have their own style and fashion to be proud of! :)

Related hadith:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Be different from the Mushrikin” [ Al-Bukhari, # 4/39 ]



A great reminder to all of our brothers in ISLAAM:

Dear Brothers Where is your Hijaab !?

► Why are your eyes always roaming here and there?
► Where have you lost your beard? Love to imitate women ?
► Why are your clothing always dragging on the floor?
► Have you forgot that, Hijaab was at first made Fardh for YOU before Muslim women?

Your LORD Says :  

"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allaah is well acquainted with all that they do."
[al- Quran :24:30]

May Allaah make life easy for our brothers and sisters all around the world.." (Ameen)



Red roseDear Muslimahs, even though a man is responsible for his gazes, you are responsible for what u gave him to gaze at, so safeguard your modesty!Red rose



With Love,Red heart


25 July 2012

“Demam” Kitab

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum semua…. Semoga dalam rahmat Allah selalu. Semoga diberkati dan diterima segala amalan kita di bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini. Ameen…

Alhamdulillah elaun USM dan KPT dan berjalan seperti biasa. Boleh tarik nafas lega sekejap. Kena fokus betul-betul pasal Ph.D pulak lepas ni. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini. Sebelum memang dah pernah memasang impian nak beli kitab-kitab agama macam kitab tafsir, hadis, aqidah, fiqh dan sebagainya. Tapo sedia maklum harga untuk semua kitab ni memang mahal. Tapi berbaloi sebagai pelaburan saham akhirat insyaallah. Nak beli semua sekaligus memang tak mampu la kan.. Jadi beli sikit-sikit… Hope nanti boleh lengkapkan collection kitab yang berguna dirumah. Semoga boleh jadi rujukan dalam kehidupan seharian dan bukan hanya disimpan buat pameran. huhu…

Saya punya impian setelah berkeluarga, jika berkesempatan setiap waktu solat atau paling minima satu waktu solat diperuntukkan untuk mendalami ilmu agama. Baca Al-Quran sama-sama paling kurang satu page, then ambil mana-mana kitab dan saling baca sama-sama untuk lebih mendalami kandungan Al-Quran tersebut. Setiap hari kitab-kitab berbeza digunakan. Semoga madrasah usrati ini dapat membentuk keluarga yang taat pada agama, yang memahami agama yang dianutinya, yang mempraktikkan segala suruhan agamanya dan menyumbang kepada agamanya. Sekarang ni saya dan husband masih PJJ macam agak kesuntukan untuk merancang semua ni. Insyaallah cuba memanfaatkan waktu pertemuan kami yang singkat. Semoga Allah mengikat hati saya dan husband dengan ikatanNYA. Ameen…


Red roseMY WISHLISTRed rose

1. Shahih Tafsir Ibnu Katsir (RM 500 ++)


2. Tafsir Al-Azhar (RM1k ++)


3. Kitab Hadis Riyadhussalihin (RM400 ++)

4. Kitab Hadis Shahih Al-Bukhari (RM500 ++)



5. Kitab Hadis Shahih Muslim (RM400 ++)



Semua yang kat atas ni harapnye dapat kumpul nanti dan digunakan sebagai rujukan. Ada banyak lagi kitab yang teringin nak beli. Tapi yang kat atas ni, insyaallah akan cuba dapatkan satu set. Total dalam RM3k..Tak tahulah berapa tahun baru boleh dapatkan semua ni. Kalau boleh berhabis untuk harta dunia apa salahnya berhabis untuk harta akhirat juga. Tak rugi melabur untuk ilmukan.. Semoga Allah permudahkan. Ameen….


Saya browse beberapa website yang jual kitab-kitab agama. Banyak jugak sebenarnya. Tapi setiap website menawarkan harga yang berbeza dan juga pilihan kitab yang pelbagai. Antara banyak-banyak website, ada dua website yang saya rasa agak mudah dan menarik hati saya.

SunnatulHuda Enterprise

Pilihan kitab takdela banyak sangat. Tapi basic kita yang saya nak macam kitab tafsir dan hadis ada jual kat sini. Dan pada pengamatan saya, harga yang ditawarkan agak rendah. Cuma barangnya selalu out of stock. Kena grab cepat atau boleh tempahan.

Atsar Enterprise

Website ni agak banyak pilihan kitab. Memang rambang mata juga. Tak tahu nak beli yang mana dulu. Kalau ikutkan semua nak. Dari segi harga, mahal sedikit berbanding harga yang ditawarkan di Sunnatulhuda. Tapi insyaallah stok sentiasa ada.


That’s all… Jom teruskan tradisi ilmu… School


With Love,Red heart


23 July 2012

Spoon vs Chopstick

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum semua….Semoga dalam naungan rahmat dan kasih sayangNYA selalu. Apa khabar iman anda? Semoga iman kita semakin bertambah seiring dengan pertambahan umur kita. Insyaallah..



Lunch Made by my husband (spoon used by me, and chopstick for him) Smile

While serving this food, my husband shout “spoon vs chopstick” referring to the meal above. I smiled and got idea to wrote this entry. Something to ponder about… What actually I want to point out? Anyone? Smile with tongue out



“Spoon vs Chostick”


“First of all, most people that get married don’t see themselves as half of a pair — they still see themselves as a person who has their own life, their own priorities, their own love, their own hate, their own hobbies, their own habits… and here’s another person with their own life, and I’m gonna try and get from them everything I want for myself and they’re trying to get from me what they want for themselves.
Two selfish people come together — they don’t really become zauj (a spouse). They don’t come together as two halves; they’re two wholes. That leaves a gap in between their marriage: mentally you’re not thinking of yourself as someone who’s going to give half of themselves up for somebody else.
Literally, if you only have half, the other half is somebody else’s, right? That’s what married life is. You gotta give up half the stuff you wanna do. And you have to replace it with what she wants to do. And you too — you have to give it up for what he wants to do. That’s how it works, that’s zawaj (a spouse), that’s marriage.”
via KhalilAlekar.com


Betulkan… Saya pun tak terkecuali. Baru mula-mula kahwin ni banyak perkara kita perlu saling bertoleransi dan bertolak ansur. Bak kata husband saya, “ Dua orang yang berbeza bersatu, pasti akan ada dugaannya jugak”. Tapi bagaimana kita mengharungi dugaan itu yang penting. Spoon vs chostick. Walaupun saya menggunakan sudu, husband menggunakan chopstick, still tujuan kami sama iaitu untuk makan.  Dua insan bersatu untuk tujuan yang satu iaitu mengharapkan perkahwinan ini mampu mencapai keredhaan Allah.


“It is necessary to build a language together, a language of looks, words, signs. A language that over time becomes almost magical in how it enables one spouse to know what the other is feeling without explanation. A language which is a joy to see when you look at those who have been happily married for many years. It is necessary to consciously remember the good that the spouse does for the other, especially when they are having a bad day and are acting strange.” via PureMatrimony



How many times do you tell your spouse how much you love him/her?



As the month of fasting commences, let us focus on what needs changing in OUR lives to make us the best of people, closest to the Almighty.

Seriously keep asking, "How can I improve as a spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend, colleague, employer etc?" {Mufti Ismail Menk}


WARNING: Shaytan WILL try to create fitnah between you and your spouse so that you may enter Ramadhaan with a problem. Watch out for it!!! He knows PRECISELY what buttons you should push to create enough frustration to ruin the beginning of the month. Remember you have an enemy who DESPISES a happy loving taqwa-filled marriage. Share this reminder with as many people as possible please. via PureMatrimony


“When you love your spouse, you love all of them. You don't skip over the parts that make them ugly, or unwanted. You can't just leave all the bad things out. If you really do love them, you find their imperfections beautiful!”



I found an interesting website



The Quran enjoins Muslims to select partners who are good and pure. On this page you will insha'Allah learn about topics related to marriage and family life in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Visit their fb page as well:





With Love,Red heart


19 July 2012

Ramadhan : Fasting or Feasting

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum everyone… May Allah bless us all.. May Allah give us all a chance to live till next ramadhan, insyaallah. Ameen…

Insyaallah tomorrow is the last day before Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah. A month full of barakah waiting for us. Whatever we do will be rewarded as much as Allah pleased not like other ramadhan. Hope all of us take this opportunity to muhasabah, improve and perform as much as ibadah in this month. And, hopefully after ramadhan we can be a better person than before.


Fasting or Feasting

When comes the month of Ramadhan the things that always concern by the Muslim is food. You will have an imagination of a lot of bazaar with lots of food. You will see hundreds of promotion offered by hotel, restaurant for Ramadhan buffet. Even the non-Muslim enjoyed Ramadhan because of the food offered during the Ramadhan. You may find difficulty to find certain food in other months but you can find that food in the month of Ramadhan.

We put a lot of interests on hunting for foods more than hunting for the reward in the months of Ramadhan itself. Allah said in Surah Al-Baqarah:

“O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).”

Instead of fasting we’re more likely feasting in the month of Ramadhan. Always, the Iftar meal that we consume the most and often overindulge ourselves. Some they eat at least twice as much for Iftar than they eat for a regular dinner in any other month and some eat heavier and richer foods during this blessed month. Thus, it is a cause for concern that especially in this holy month of Ramadan, when the nafs (self) should be kept in check, some choose to overindulge and eat in extravagance. Somehow we have lost the essence of fasting.



Fasting during the daylight hours has several health benefits; it cleanses the system and removes harmful toxins from the body. When the body is fasting and not occupied with the process of digestion, its organs are given an opportunity to rejuvenate and restore themselves, in turn allowing the one who fasts to recover from various ailments.

However, if a person overeats in the evening and indulges in heavy, fatty foods, this offsets the physical benefits of fasting. It is generally presumed that since one is restraining from food and drink during the daylights hours, the body needs increased input during the non-fasting hours. This is not the case, however, as the body regulates itself when it is in fasting mode and has the opportunity to utilize its storage of body fat. [1]

How Prophet Muhammad Breaks His Fast

Anas Ibn Maalik said: " The Prophet (pbuh) used to break his fast with fresh dates before he prayed. If he did not find fresh dates then with dried dates. If there were no dried dates then with a few sips of water." (Abu Dawood)

From the hadith we understand that Prophet Muhammad only break his fast with dates or few sips of water the he pray. Because it only to break our fast. Any food which is sweet is suitable to break our fast. After that perform Maghrib prayer, then only we have meal for our dinner. That’s what Prophet taught us. If we are following his teaching, we won’t missed any prayer and insyaallah this month of Ramadhan not just make our spiritual stronger but also it will improve our health. 



Pic credit to: Khalilaleker.com


Let’s make this Ramadhan beneficial for us and May we attain taqwa at the end of this Ramadhan. Ameen.. Smile


With Love,Red heart


Review: Veil Nikah

In The Name of Allah The most Gracious The Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum Semua…Semoga dalam rahmat dan redha Allah selalu..

Dah lama jugak nak update…Blog sendiri ni pun dah jarang-jarang jugak bukak..Huhu..Sekarang masih berada di Kelantan. Balik untuk sambut Ramadhan Kareem sama dengan Ummi dan Abah, insyaallah. Husband akan bertolak balik malam Jumaat nanti insyaallah. Long distance relationship ni sangat la tak best. Huhu.. Kadang-kadang 2 minggu sekali baru jumpa. Tu pun 2,3 hari je.. Hope husband boleh dapat kerja kat Penang nanti. Kalau sape2 yang tau any vacancy kat Penang bahagian Human Resource atau Account inform saya ye.. ^_^

For this entry I wanna share about my veil during nikah hari tu. SInce ramai yang tanya kat mana saya cari veil tu. Sebab saya bertudung labuh macam agak susah nak cari veil yang lawa dan dalam masa yang sama labuh. Kalau pakai tudung labuh, tapi veil pendek nampak macam pelik sikit. So, time nak kahwin hari tu saya berusaha jugak cari veil yang labuh dan masa tu cari dua warna, putih dan ungu. Yang saya jumpa macam tak berapa berkenan. Kalau yang pendek range harga RM40-90 dan yang veil panjang RM90 ke atas. Mahal jugak tambah-tambah time nak kahwin hari tu budget memang sangt tight. Fikir panjang jugaklah nak beli tak. Tapi cuba jugak cari kalau ada yang berkenan. Round banyak tempat di Penang dan Kelantan. Tak jumpa jugak yang labuh. Last sekali decide tak yah pakai veil la. Sebab saya pakai tudung labuh biasa yang saya sendiri jahit dan pergi hantar kedai untuk jahit tepi je tu yang ingat nak pakai veil. Takdela nampak kosong sangat memandangkan saya taknak pakai yang perhiasan kepala especially tiara sebab nampak macam sangat pelik dan memang tak suka tengok orang pakai tu. Huhu…


I’m wearing my handmade veil.. Smile

Nak dijadikan cerita, seminggu sebelum nikah tu ada pergi Kota Bharu cari veil. Cari-cari memang takde jugak yang labuh. Then ada masuk satu kedai ni diorang ada pamer veil yang agak labuh. Tapi bila tanya dia cakap takde stok. Yang tu je tinggal untuk pameran. Sedih jugak. Bila tengok-tengok cara jahitan veil tu rasa macam tak susah kalau nak buat sendiri. masa tu barula dapat idea nak buat veil sendiri. So, mula la pergi kedai-kedai kat Kota Bharu dan Tumpat untuk cari kain net yang orang guna untuk buat veil. Cari-cari tak jumpa jugak. Serius sangat sedih. Then, give up jela.huhu…

3 hari sebelum nikah tetiba rasa macam nak pergi cari kat Bandar Kota Bharu. Saya tak biasa jalan Kota Bharu ni sebab bukan selalu pergi and saya memang orang yang sangat susah nak ingat jalan. Smile with tongue out Tapi time tu nekad jela pergi jugak sorang-sorang. Park kereta kat satu tempat then pusing-pusing around tu sorang-sorang. Saya masuk Laila Rawas Textile dan jumpa jugakla kain lace kristal warna putih macam kain net jugak tapi dia berkilat-kilat. Masa tu hepi la sangat. Punya la susah nak cari. Tapi saya nak dua warna, putih dan purple. Kat Laila Rawas Time tu takde warna purple gelap. Yang ada purple muda je. Round satu KB tetap takde kain net warna purple. Patah balik pergi Laila Rawas tadi dah ambik yang purple muda tu jugak walaupun rasa macam langsung tak masuk warnanya tapi manala tau kot-kot memerlukan.. Then bergegas ke Tesco KB pulak. Bukan nak masuk Tesco tapi nak pergi satu kedai kain kat luar Tesco tu. Ada kedai kain yang murah. Kain untuk tabir pelamin beli kat situ je. RM2 semeter. Murahkan… Kat situ nak cari anak langsir yang pendek tu sebab nak gunting bunga untuk di tampal kat kain net tu nanti. Then ternampak kain organza warna purple yang sesuai untuk baju. Pastu cari manik kecik untuk dijahit kat veil.

Balik-balik rumah terus demam sebab dah banyak hari dok berjemur tengah panas and push diri untuk setelkan semua persiapan majlis. Kami buat semua sendiri je langsung tak tempah untuk pelamin ke mak andam ke, catering ke. Jadi memang banyak kerja kena buat. Alhamdulillah hasilnya masih cantik dan puas hati.. Thumbs up

D.I.Y Veil Pengantin

Malam tu, saya search kat internet camne nak DIY veil pengantin. Dan saya jumpa la beberapa website camne nak buat. Masa tu tak yakin jugak boleh buat. Tapi pandai-pandai jela and tawakal la kalau hasilnya nanti teruk. Sape suruh buat kerja last minute..huhu…


1. Kain net


Yang saya guna ni kain net lace kristal kalau tak silap namanya. RM12.90/m. Tapi ni bidang 60 cukup kalau semeter je. Kalau nak labuh lagi boleh ambik 2m. Untuk bidang 45 kena ambik 2m baru labuh dia boleh lepas tudung labuh kita.

2. Kain lace


Kain lace ni potong ambik bunga dia je untuk lekat kat veil nanti. Macam saya, saya guna anak langsir organza sebab lagi murah. Kalau buat sendiri baju nikah guna lace, boleh ambik lebihan bunga kat kain tu je. Lebih jimat. Yang ni RM3.80/m. Saya beli 6 m. Sebab saya tak ambik bunga saja, saya ambik sulaman lain yang dekat kain tu sekali. Bunga besar untuk atas kepala. Yang bunga kecik saya jahit kat area veil yang lain supaya tak kosong sangat.


Nampak tak sulaman yang lekuk-lekuk tu? yang tu pun saya gunting untuk tampal kat veil. Nampak macam saya sulamkan kat kain net tu tapi sebenarnye saya jahit je. Kalau suka veil yang bunga berat-berat boleh beli yang jenis bunga punya. Terpulang pada kehendak individu. Saya suka yang simple je.Smile


3. Manik


Nie gambar saya ambik kat internet je. Saya punya guna warna pink macam kat atas dan warna putih. Boleh guna manik-manik lain jugak. Kain net ni tak betul-betul lembut. Macam keras jugak. So, nak bagi betul-betul dia macam jatuh, so, elok bubuh banyak sikit manik kasi dia berat. Cuma saya hari tu tak sempat nak bubuh-bubuh mani kat tempat lain melainkan kat hujung kain net je.


1. Design jenis veil yang di ingini. Ada dua jenis veil iaitu jenis D dan oval.



Yang kiri tu bentuk oval dan yang kanan bentuk D. (pic kredit to: B.T.B.E )


2. Potong kain net ikut bentuk yang anda nak. Macam saya, saya pilih D tapi alter sikit kat tepi macam kat bawah ni:


Saya pilih bentuk D..Smile (pic kredit to: non-cinderella Story)



Saya tak suka kalau depan tu (2) petak je jadi saya lekukkan sikit. Yang ada 3 bunga besar kat atas tu akan duduk kat bahagian atas kepala. Takdela ok sangat potongan dia. Saya bukan tukang jahit pun. So, dimaafkan.Smile with tongue out


3. Then saya jahit potongan sulaman lace yang berombak-ombak kat sekeliling kain net. Dah sudah saya jahit manik pulak. Jahit jelujur je sekeliling kain net. 


Serius sangat penant sebab veil yang labuh and besarkan. Memang bertukar-tukar tangan jugak buat ni. Saya buat mula-mula bila penat pass kat sepupu then pass kat adik. Bila rasa tak sempat kami buat sama-sama. Saya jahit manik dan dalam masa yang sama adik saya jahit sulaman bunga.huhu…



Nak jahit bunga ni kat kain net guna jahitan jelujur je. Cuma untuk bahagian atas tu cucuk kecik je supaya tak nampak sangat benangnya. Serius tak susah pun tapi remeh..huhu… Kalau orang temgok memang ingat kain net tu disulam la. Padahal jahit jelujur je..Even orang yang tak reti menjahit macam saya pun boleh buat. Yang penting kemas…Smile with tongue out


Nie bahagian kepala. kalau suka yang crowded manik atau bunga kat atas kepala boleh guna bunga then jahit banyak-banyak manik kat situ. Untuk saya cukuplah macam ni je. Sebab kain net dia sendiri pun dah berkilat-kilat. Pada saya dah lawa dah, Keep simple!Smile



Time ni husband tengah kenalkan saya dekat saudara-saudara dia. Tengok panjang veil tu melebihi tudung labuh yang saya pakaikan. Kat rumah saya berangin-angin sikit. Veil tu pun dah ditiup angin. Patut bubuh banyak manik sikit supaya berat. Kalau rasa nak lebih panjang boleh beli lebih lagi panjang kain net tu.


Saya guna veil yang sama untuk nikah dan walimah sebab kain organza yang saya beli untuk buat veil walimah tak sempat disiapkan..huhu…Tengok warna dia macam matching je so pakai jela..hehe..Smile with tongue out




See…Tak nampak pun jahitan tampal. macam dah disulam kat situ jekan…Smile Bunga ni potong dari kain lace yang lebihan baju walimah saya. Tapi sayangnya tak sempat nak siapkan. Kain organza ni ringan so nanti macam terbang-terbang. Kalai nak guna kain ni kena jahit banyak manik dan bunga untuk bagi berat. Tak sempat nak siapkan. Tu pun pukul 11.30 pagi hari akad nikah baru siap veil nikah. Akad nikah pukul 3ptg. Boleh bayangkan tak camne kalutnya. HUhu..


That’s all. Hope it helps for those B2B yang plan nak DIY veil pengantin sendiri. Kalau nak beli banyak je kot yang jual online. Yang saya tengok hari tu takde warna yang saya nak dan berkenan. Yang berkenan, out of stock pulan atau pendek. Last sekali buat sendiri je.

Moral of the story, jangan buat kerja last minute, ok! Winking smile


With Love,Red heart


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