Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
Plant Your Seeds in The Garden of Ramadhan and You Will Harvest the Beautiful Tasty Fruits of Jannah. Insyaallah. Ameen..
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
Plant Your Seeds in The Garden of Ramadhan and You Will Harvest the Beautiful Tasty Fruits of Jannah. Insyaallah. Ameen..
In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious
Just a sharing from Bro Sirajudeen (IPSI) through my email. May Allah protect us and strengthen our imaan.
Salam, dear brothers & sisters
A short but powerful analogy from Bro. Shah Kirit Gokulal:
'’The atheist usually ask me why we cannot see God if God exist. A simple answer to this would be that not necessarily what we cannot see does not exist.
We cannot see God because God did not provide us with the senses to ‘see’ Him. As an analogy, let say I have created a car. Is the car able to see me? The car cannot see me because I did not create the car with the ability to see me. Just because the car cannot see me does that mean I do not exist?
Despite the car cannot see me, I can see the car! Similarly God can see us in spite of we cannot see God. The very fact the car exist also proves that I (the maker of car) also exist. Similarly the existence of our universe is also the fact in the existence of its Creator.”
Share it in your Facebook. Play your part for Islam.
-Ahmed Siraj-
If you have any enquiries regarding other religion, any misunderstanding regarding Islam or any doubt about Islam, feel free to visit this website:
Islamic Propagation Society International(IPSI)
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Also can contact me through this email. I will try to answer if I can and refer to the scholars and expert if I couldn’t answer.
In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
Rule pertama dalam human business...
"Never assume. Ask."
Bila melibatkan hubungan antara manusia, ada masanya kita tak dapat lari dari salah faham antara satu sama lain. Saya sendiri pun pernah terlibat dengan salah faham yang akhrinya mengubah keseluruhan hidup saya dalam sekelip mata. Silapnya cuma satu. Kita membuat anggapan dan sangkaan tanpa bertanya sendiri sama ada betul ke sama seperti yang kita anggapkan.
Saya berada dalam bidang fizik. Dalam fizik, "Physics is nothing without assumption." Sebab fizik ni, kita bukan boleh observe sama seperti kimia dan biologi. Semua konsep fizik berdasarkan assumption. Dari assumption ini, akan wujud lagi satu assumption yang kemudiannya cuba dibuktikan melalui eksperiment. Jika ada significant result daripada experiment tu, assumption yang di buat tadi di kira betul. Tapi apabila ada reseacher lain pulak yang cuba menguji assumption tadi dengan experiment yang lain, assumption yang tadinya dibuktikan benar berkemungkinan akan dibuktikan salah pula oleh reseacher yang lain. Begitulah seterusnya untuk konsep yang lain.
Tapi dalam Islam, konsepnya lain. Contohnya Jika kita mengkaji makna di sebalik Al-Quran, kita akan kaji dari ayat tersebut kemudian rungkaikan teori di sebalik ayat tersebut. Bukan kita mencipta suatu teori dan kemudian mencari ayat Al-quran yang menyokong teori kita. Islam mengajar kita supaya mencari kebenaran di sebalik sesuatu dari sumbernya sendiri. Bukan kita mencipta dan kemudian mencari sesuatu untuk menyokong apa yang kita cipta. Same goes when it talks about human relations. Kita ada hak yang perlu di tunaikan sesama manusia. Jika ada kemusykilan, bertanya kepada yang berhak, iaitu tuan punya badan sendiri. Bukan dengan kita membuat sangkaan berdasarkan apa yang kita lihat dan dengar.
Ape pun...Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahNya..Kembalilah kepada DIA Yang Maha Mengetahui..Pintalah kepada DIA sebelum meminta kepada manusia.Apabila menerima sesuatu, selidikilah. Moga itu kebenaran yang di cari.Wallahua'lam.
“I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.”
It was related by al-Buhkari (also by Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn-Majah).
Assalamualaikum Everyone..
Thank you for dropping by!
I'm just just an ordinary person who loves a simple thing. Trying to have a simple life but with extraordinary experiences.
I'm married to Muhammad Faris.
A daughter to Cikgu Suardi & Cikgu Kamariah.
A Lecturer (Medical Physics) at USM Penang.
A member of IPSI Penang.
I'm not a good writer but I do love sharing my experience with others. Thank you for supporting me all this while.
Do contact me via or fb.